you're original and creative, just that you need a new theme to explore
on. Every celebration includes a cake to be shared among the invitees and
family members. It is a custom to have a cake baked by a bakery, or to
have a relative bake a cake because the event.
Below are a few cake dressing ideas:
- Character reference: There are 100s of famous characters to use because
cake dressing. You can make any cake special by drawing in Dora the
adventurer, or Blues Clues. Or you may want to carve the cake to make the
entire cake into a favorite character.
- Themes: perhaps you would like to go with a 50's theme base, underwater
adventure, sport base, or a roaring 20's base because your cake dressing.
Use your creativity and find a base that will thrill the person you are
making the cake because, and the guests . You may prefer to have a
masquerade party in that base. Whatsoever you choose, have fun.
- Motor Cakes: Boys are usually crazy about trucks, cars, fire truck,
boats, tractors, choppers, or airplanes. Once again you can use your cake
dressing expertise to make a farm with a 3-D tractor, a racing strip, or a
scene demonstrating a fire being put out by firemen. Naturally it all
depends on what the particular birthday boy is fond of.
- Animals: you are able to also use an animal base by cutting the cake to
look like any animal, or attract a scene using animals. It could be a zoo
scene with several animals or choose one animal and decorate the cake with
other decorations demonstrating where it came from. Use your imagination.
- Food: perhaps you are making a cake because the opening of an Italian
eating place. You could create a scene depicting the construction, or if
it is because a chef opening the eating place, a scene of the kitchen with
unlike Italian dishes would be fun. You'll be able to also cut the cake to
look like a hamburger, hot dog, taco etc... The sky is the limit when it
comes to cake dressing using a food base.
- Holiday Themes: I remember when bunny rabbit cakes became popular at
Easter, Wilton has pans and dressing supplies because all holiday cake
dressing designs. A heart on Valentine's day, or a 4 leaf clover on St.
Patrick's day is a wonderful way to say happy holidays.
- Your Own innovation: If you have been involved in cake dressing because
quite some time, or if you are a novice with an pleasing flair, you can
create your own cake based on the base or the celebration.
Whatsoever type of cake you make will be the center of attention as cakes
usually are at a celebration. It has become custom to have an outstanding
cake at every celebration. Knowing that you are the one who is pleasing
enough to make this cake, and the praise you will receive from others,
will give you a bushel of gratification.
You can spend a lot of money buying book after book, looking for new cake
decorating ideas or enjoy never ending, fresh ideas from hundreds of
decorators all over the world at no cost ever on the net! Many are
decorators from all experience levels contribute their cakes, sharing
their knowledge so you can duplicate their successes.