don't have to believe in astrology to benefit from the reading! My
practical approach as a Taurus is: Try it out, see if it serves you and
then decide if you want to deepen your relation with astrology. In my
personal experience with over 31 years of astrology in my life and those
of my clients the value is beyond mere believe.
Lunar Astrology
Following the lunar astrology with the Moon moving through the signs of
the zodiac is one way of fine tuning my perception of my emotional journey
throughout the month. It brings me in touch with the impermanence of life
and especially of my emotions. It helps me to not take myself so serious
and adjust my conscious thoughts to the highest level of the potential of
each sign.
I accept where I am and then focus on where I rather want to go! Like
Abraham-Hicks is saying: "Worrying is using your imagination to create
something you don't want." I use the Lunar Astrology to imagine the best
and align myself through taking action along those lines.
Moon in Sagittarius on Friday
After the inward motion and intensity of the Moon in Scorpio the last two
days we are ready for the expansive nature of Sagittarius.
The gregarious nature of Sagittarian people is hard not to like! They are
idealistic and care about the state of the world, leading them to take up
vocations in medicine, education, religion, and politics. They are high
energy people, always involved in one project or another, adventures of
spirit, in search of universal wisdom, full of openness, generosity, and
have a sociable nature. They posses a lot of energy, passion and are full
of ideas as a fire sign. The Moon in this sign will help us to find that
part in ourselves!
They are ruled by Jupiter who is considered a very fortunate and joyful
energy in astrology.
This Weekend
Whenever we expand, learn something new, get excited and passionate about
something we feel good! Growing as humans into our fuller potential is
one of our basic human needs. If we stop growing we will feel bored,
stagnant and very unhappy with ourselves.
I am a Star Trek fan; I love the open possibility mindset of the show.
With all the interstellar problems they are facing, they never give up and
always figure something out. So I watched Star Trek last night and the
episode finished with Deida, the android saying that he will continue
striving to become a better person…
It seems like that is what evolutionary growth is all about! Be where you
are, love yourself for who you are and where you are and strive for
Use the Sagittarian energy this weekend to expand out of your box. Take a
little trip and visit that friend you have not seen for a while.
Check in with yourself and where you are in your life. Do you feel
fulfilled in what you are doing? How about your relationship? What could
you do to experience more satisfaction and fulfillment? Would you want to
go back to school and enhance your education?
Do you have a way to contribute to your community? Would you like to be a
mentor at Big Brothers, Big Sisters?
Venus in Cancer
Venus the goddess of love, beauty and harmony visits the home of the Moon,
the sign of Cancer, the other feminine player in astrology. With it we
will feel more emotionally grounded and nourished by life and the divine.
It is easier to believe and actually feel the benevolent nature of the
universe and our place in it.
At the same time themes around home and family, having children or not,
feeling safe will be in the foreground. It will be a very fertile time for
conception and you can plan around that depending on which direction you
want to go with it. It is certainly an easier time to get pregnant if you
want that or not!
But fertility can also show up in an abundance of creative ideas and new
projects for you.
Mercury Opposition to Neptune
Mercury is strongly associated with everything involving
communication—speaking writing, the media, even our internal
communication. Mercury rules all things related to the mind and our
internal life: rational thinking, intellect, intelligence, curiosity,
learning, and memory.
Mercury describes the inner working of the mind and depending on the sign
he is in, he will have a leaning and preference to how to channel and
incorporate ideas and visions into our life. With the Neptune opposition
there will be a greater opening into your intuition and collective
unconsciousness. Mercury is in Leo and Neptune is stationed in Aquarius,
activating the same axes where the Lunar Eclipse is happening on August
5-6 as well. Get ready for the ride!
The Potential of the Aquarius/Leo Lunar Eclipse
I believe wherever this eclipse is touching into your chart it will have a
profound impact for your soul's journey in these challenging times. Note
in which house the eclipse falls in your chart and which aspects it is
forming to personal planets.
You will be called upon extending your goodwill to others, be a role model
for your beliefs concerning change for the better, taking care for your
neighbors, acting from a place of oneness and connectedness, taking charge
and stepping up. Become a leader for what you believe in! Grass root
movements are needed to move on into the Aquarian Age, into the year 2012
with all its prophesied changes in consciousness of humankind.
Read more about the Lunar Eclipse on my Astrological Signs Weather Report
& Healing Gems Blog and for a regular update on the universal flow in the
A Gemstone for Balance: The Herkimer Diamond [1]
"This stone is truly amazing in its beauty, clarity, and perfection.
Unlike the Diamond, which must be cut and polished to bring out its
beauty, the Herkimer Diamond is perfect in its natural state and requires
no cutting or polishing at all. It is untouched by the human hand.
Balancing the Aura and Stabilizing Our Energy
The Herkimer Diamond has a very special place among the gems because of
its superior qualities. It is worn most beneficially over the heart.
Sitting on the heart chakra, which is the middle one of the seven, it
balances the whole energetic system. Thus it is able to strengthen our
auric field against all kinds of radiation, including electro smog and
negative thought projections. We are constantly targeted by radiation in
our daily lives, especially in urban areas. It is known that sitting in
front of a computer for several hours can lower our white blood cell
count, which inevitably impacts our health. The Herkimer Diamond in its
perfection and balance between the negative and positive points can
balance us and strengthen our own energy field.
This stone also strengthens our auric field against negative emotional or
mental projections. I have made many Herkimer Diamond pendants for people
who work in the healing professions to help them stabilize and treat their
clients without picking up their imbalances. The more sensitive you are
the more likely you are to pick up on disharmony in your outer field. The
Herkimer Diamond is your ally in maintaining your own balance and
Where Do Gemstones Fit in with All of This?
With my background and experience as a healer, jeweler and astrologer I
like to use the powers of the gemstones as a tool for balance and as an
anchor for the highest potential I want to focus on. Have you heard about
the work with NLP and how you can use setting a conscious anchor to
activate a specific emotional or mental state? That and more you can learn
about in my book. I am so passionate about gemstones and think it is such
an elegant way to use them as allies for the inner balance we crave.
In my book Jewelry and Gems for Self-Discovery: Choosing Gemstones that
Delight the Eyes & Strengthen the Soul I teach you about basic
astrological concepts, how to read your chart and find the main themes and
challenges in your chart.
When you are aware of the bigger picture and you will be able to balance
yourself with your 12 main healing gemstones, I am calling your true
birthstones. If that interests you have a closer look at .
I hope you enjoyed this post, aloha and many blessings, Shakti.
Shakti Carola Navran: astrologer, jeweler and author
[1] Adapted from Jewelry and Gems for Self-Discovery: Choosing Gemstones
That Delight the Eye & Strengthen the Soul © 2008 by Shakti Carola Navran.
Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd. 2143 Wooddale Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125-2989.
All rights reserved, used by permission of the publisher.