this weekend! Never the less it looks like the real weather might have
some big splashes waiting for us here in Hawaii.
I am a member of the CERT, the Community Emergency Response Team on the
island. We have been called in to an emergency briefing later in the day
in preparation of the hurricane approaching the islands. It might still
slow down or turn into a different direction. This is what we are praying
for! But it is good to be prepared if it doesn't!
The first thing that came to my mind was how fortunate I have been living
her on this beautiful island for so many years now and how many things I
have been taking for granted! A home, family, my friends, food, water, and
all the amenities of live! I love the smallness of the island, everywhere
I go I run into people I know. It is a small community of only 150 000
people plus tourists here on Maui.
Emergency Preparedness
Emergencies like this always have a way to put your priorities straight
and wake you up to the present moment, make you feel very alive! It is a
time to pull together as a community, helping each other, needing each
others support. It is also a good reminder to check with your own
emergency preparedness! You always want to have extra water and food for a
week available wherever you live. A gallon of water per person is the
minimum you need to plan for. Also think about having extra medication you
are taking on a regular base.
Have extra batteries, a light, candles, a radio, maybe a little gas stove
if electricity is going out! Fill up your gas in your car; charge your
cell phone things like that.
If you live in Hawaii which is a hurricane and earth quake prone area, it
is advised to have a walk out kit ready to go for evacuation needs. Again
think about water, food, meds, a book or playing cards to spend time in a
shelter, some change of clothe, a journal, a blanket…Hurricane shelters
just provide you with a roof over your head, nothing else!
Tidy up around your house so no chairs, tables and stuff will be flying
around. Be smart and prepared!
The Pisces Moon
This is a very compassionate and loving Moon position! In Pisces we will
feel the inner connection with the divine and praying is a way of life.
The Moon moving into Pisces, the last sign in the evolution of the zodiac
wheel. Pisces is a water sign, very easily impressed and the most
sensitive sign of all. It is presenting us with a chance to turn inwards,
to dream and fantasize, floating along with inner nudges and connect with
the divine.
Moon is our emotional filter and perception to the world. By becoming
aware of its constant change of position every 2 ½ days it helps to raise
our awareness for our inner world of feelings and needs. It might help to
be more compassionate with ourselves and others.
Moon in Pisces is very connected with others on a deep inner level. Pisces
is the sign of oneness and interconnectedness and points towards a deeper
truth of our humanness.
With Moon in Pisces there is the chance to tap into higher states of
consciousness through meditation and contemplation which are keywords for
Pisces: The Wise and Mystical Servant (Feb 20–March 20) is ruled by
Neptune. Water is attributed to Pisces and it is considered a feminine
By the end of the astrological year, all that has been learned in the
previous months is integrated in Pisces. The gentle and sensitive Pisceans
see life through a spiritual framework based on a deep sense of connection
with others and with the entire universe. This gives them the gift of
love, compassion, and empathy for others and they may choose careers in
medicine, psychology, or spiritual work. They seek a higher consciousness,
beyond the physical world. This is not a practical, earth-bound sign:
Pisceans live in a mental world of dreams and fantasies that are expressed
in artistic and spiritual ways. Of all the signs, they are the least
invested in their own egos. They are not interested in winning conflicts
and will avoid confrontation whenever possible.
Mars Opposition Saturn
This opposition is not exact yet but moving towards it. The theme here is
the possible conflict between energy flowing against obstacles, maybe
stagnation. It is always helpful to find constructive ways to help that
energy flow in a purposeful guided way. Preparing yourself for emergency
might be a good way to harness this potential in a good way.
On Sunday Moon is Moving on to Aries
And with that there will be fresh energy and purpose and a leaning towards
quick reactive emotional responses. With the Moon in this sign we will
feel strong and spontaneous emotions! There is an immediacy and intensity
in the air. We might feel impatient and easily irritated. If somebody
crosses you there will be immediate reaction or even retaliation.
Aries is a powerful symbol of new beginnings, energy, light, and
creativity. People born under the sign of Aries may well turn out to be
great leaders—if they can keep their aggression and tendency to dominate
others in check. Aries must always be undertaking new projects, especially
creative endeavors, to keep their high energy occupied. They are
extroverts and tend toward impulsivity. Their challenge is to properly
channel their energy.
Today is a good day to be grateful for all we have! With the inward
emotion of Pisces I suggest for you to sit down with a cup of tea and take
your journal to hand.
Write down everything you feel grateful for in all areas of your life.
Allow yourself to really feel that!
I will be brief today because I have to get going with my own emergency
If you enjoyed this post and my astrological musings, I like to invite you
to come and visit my Astrological Signs Weather Report & Healing Gems Blog where I discuss the
actual, universal, astrological forces and inspire you to use them wisely
for a more successful and joyful life.
I hope all is well for you, aloha and many blessings, Shakti.
Shakti Carola Navran: astrologer, jeweler and author