The announcement of a new baby should be special and unique. Photo birth
announcements are popular since digital photo technology makes producing
personalized photo baby announcements easier than ever before. The photo
can be uploaded at most baby birth announcements websites and parents can
receive the photo birth announcements right at their door - eliminating a
trip to the store with a newborn baby! And as with all birth
announcements, photo baby announcements are becoming more sophisticated
and can show the individual personality of the new family. See More About
Birth Announcements Cards.
Birth cards with simple, touching phrases or poetry are always popular for
announcing your new bundle of joy. By adding the baby's name, birth date,
length and weight, parents can still personalize the birth announcements
for their new baby without the photo. A separate picture can always be
inserted with the baby announcements for those family and friends that may
want a photo to display. You can find sample birth cards wording ideas,
birth announcements wording verses and baby announcements sayings on many
websites to assist you.
However, the most popular trend in birth announcements is the photo baby
announcements. After all, what family member of friend would not
appreciate receiving this sleek and personal touch. It is not necessary to
go to a professional photographer either. Just make sure the picture is
clear, has nice contrast and features the baby. If the picture is taken
too far away or the lighting is dark, the announcements might not look its
While it is best to send traditionally birth announcements within two
weeks after the birth, it is acceptable in today's hectic life to send the
baby announcements later. If the birth announcements are sent when the
baby is two to three months old, try sending customized photo birth
announcements with either a newborn baby photo or a current picture of the
baby. Recipients, especially those distant relatives and friends, will
appreciate a photo baby announcement regardless of the baby's age when
they receive the announcements.
Seasonal trends should also be considered for the personalized birth
announcements cards, and photo birth cards are no exception. If the baby
announcements will be going out near a major holiday like Christmas,
Thanksgiving or Independence Day, parents can make announcements unique by
using the colors of the season for the photo birth announcement. Parents
can also consider using seasonal props (i.e. Christmas stockings,
pumpkins, American Flags) in the photos for the baby announcements.
Another fun idea for personalized, unique photo birth announcements is to
use props that are unique to the family or parents. For parents that play
golf consider taking a picture of the baby on the putting green with Dad,
or if the family plays soccer, take a picture of the baby with a soccer
ball. The options are endless and can match the design and color scheme of
the photo birth announcement itself to further add to the charm.
Trendy color choices range from traditional baby pastels to deep hues for
all birth announcements. In all color schemes, parents should consider
choosing colors in the announcements that match or complement the baby's
outfit or surroundings in the photo. If the photo is cohesive with the
colors on the card, the announcement will look more professional.