วันศุกร์ที่ 7 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How To Burn XBox 360 Games Onto DVD Disc's

Hello XBox gamers. Thanks for visiting this XBox 360 game burning
information page. My name is Joshua and I just wanted to share with
everyone this cool new program that I have been using to burn my xbox 360
games onto DVD Disc's!

I dont know about you guy's, but for me, personally, I cant believe that
copying XBox 360 games to a DVD or CD disc is possible -that is, until I
actually did it.

Of course, I had to hurry up and tell everyone about this sweat new
software. The first thing I want to say is, that using this XBox 360 game
burning software will allow you to legally, burn your xbox 360 games onto
dvd disc's- no voiding of warranties and no risk of losing your XBox Live

How To Burn XBox 360 Games Onto DVD Discs

Trust me, I am a bit older -but I still love gaming.But, I wont risk
losing my Live privilege's, let alone voiding any warranties. I just
figured I would add that bit of info, I have been hearing of guy's using
MOD Chips to copy and burn there XBox 360 games, and getting busted left
and right.

Dont ask me why -I mean, this new game burnign software does a heck of
alot more than a MOD Chip , and it's totally legal.

I mean, you can burn your "protected" games, "unbreakable" games and what
ever else you need copied.

Oh yeah, I guess you may have realized that copying "protected" games
usually means copying PS 3 games -yep, you an burn the PS 3 games to dvd
disc's as well.

And Wii games.

Dream Cast games.

Game Cube games.

PS2 and Playstation games.

Regular XBox games.

And you can even burn your PC games too.

Its pretty much limitless. Thats how you burn XBox 360 games onto DVD
Disc's and then Some!

Lets see, what else can we do with this software......

Well, all the copied video games are 1:1 copies, and 100% playable. We
have been playing the copied games -making sure that they will be there
for us if and when anything ever happens to the original. But, I would
advise just playing the backup games. That way if anything happens to
them, you will have the original - which is definitely the better option.

Like if you want to trade it in someday -you most likely get a much better
trade in value. Heck, you might not like the game, and want to get a
refund -no problems there.

You pretty much cant go wrong with this game copy software. I havent
thought of anything that worries me. You have to pay for it, but, I guess
that goes without saying. But it comes with a warranty, so that pretty
much makes that no big deal.

What I would suggest is going and checking out the review, and see if
there is anything that you can find wrong with it before you buy it. Then
if you think it looks good, you can get it from the review page.

