วันเสาร์ที่ 8 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Video Conferencing Services- A cost effective alternative to conventional meetings

Gone are the days when meetings meant a room full of men and women seating
on a conference table to discuss a business agenda for hours. With
globalization and new technological advancements, meetings too have become
tech savvy. In an era of multinational companies and offshore business
outsourcing, meetings involve people from various nations and traveling
for the cause of a meeting is simply impractical. Corporate meetings
extensively use of audio and video conferencing services, video
conferencing being the most effective.

A video conference meeting barely has any disadvantages, but sure has a
lot of advantages. It is simply a virtual meet among employees and
employers who work across different geographical boundaries. By making use
of video and audio aids, members involved in the video conference can see
and talk to each other just as they would in a formal conference setting.

This method is definitely a save on cost. Travel costs, cost of arranging
an event and hosting costs are all cut out. All it takes is a webcam, a
computer, an internet broadband connection, microphone and a projector.
Video conference meetings are suited for elaborate as well as short
spanned ones. Since it hardly bears any additional cost, it is highly cost

Of late, video conference rooms are designed and equipped to accommodate
formal meetings. They can either be a part of your office infrastructure
or can be rented too. Businesses across the world are now using these
rooms for a variety of purposes. They use the facility to hold training
programs for employees conduct product demonstrations for clients and even
conduct interviews across different countries. Sure it saves a lot of

Be it a small business or a multinational corporation, video conferencing
is the order of the day. It saves cost, time and also keeps you on par
with businesses who are using a service like this.

