วันจันทร์ที่ 10 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Julie & Julia movie review

Julie Powell, food blogger, writes a book, Hollywood makes a movie out of
it. What a dream come true for a food blogger! Having been written by the
author herself, Julie Powell's book gives us a raw glimpse into her daily
life as she cooks and blogs her way through Julia Child's book, Mastering
the Art of French Cooking. I found the book hard to read. I put it down a
number of times, and had to make myself pick it back up and read it. But
the book is real, Julie pulls no punches, she's depressed, ready to give
up, cries a lot and cusses - a lot - and they're not always the cute mild
cuss words either. The cooking and blogging were hard. Sometimes it was a
thankless job. Dinners went in the garbage and down the drain. And it
comes through in her writing, and it brought me down as well. You don't
want your kids reading the book. But I have to say this, she was commited
to finishing the Julie/Julia Project, and I admire that.

Meryl Streep

Meryl is the perfect Julia Child. Maybe even more perfect than Julia
herself. Her voice, mannerisms, the way she has to bend down to reach the
counters, everything is perfect! Meryl isn't as tall as Julia Child, but
they did wonders with special effects, making her larger than life and
towering above the rest of the actors and actresses. There's a scene in
the ladies powder room where Julia is smoking, as did many of her peers of
that era. For some reason, I just can't see Julia smoking, and wondered if
it was only social smoking or if she really enjoyed smoking. Either way,
it must have tainted her taste buds just a little. I wonder, does Meryl
Streep smoke regularly, or did she only smoke for the movie?

Amy Adams

Amy plays Julie Powell. After I read the book, I would say it's a good
thing Nora Ephron took things down a notch. There was an "F" word in it,
but it was spoken by Stanley Tucci as Paul Child. A few other naughty
words gave it the PG 13 rating. If the movie was true to the book, it
would have had an R rating. I'm glad they toned it down. Even though Julie
wrote those things in her book out of frustration, I don't think it was
neccessary to add them in the movie. That said, Amy Adams was a delightful
Julie Powell. She was adorable!

Bon Appétit!

I could have gone and seen Julie & Julia with a bunch of foodie
girlfriends, but choose my hubby instead. After all, it is he who eats all
my delicious successes and awful rejects, just as Paul Child and Eric
Powell enjoyed the good meals and spit out the bones their wives cooked!

There is a scene in the movie where, as a food blogger myself, had tears
in my eyes imagining what it would be like to get a call from all those
newpapers and publishers just as Julie Powell did. I hate to fight back
the emotions. All in all, Julie & Julia was a great movie, deserving of a
high rating. I would watch it all over again! Bon Appétit!

