วันเสาร์ที่ 8 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

My Xbox 360 Keeps Freezing - Why Does it Do This and What Can I Do About It?

When you play your Xbox 360 you sometimes find that it freezes up for no
apparent reason. There is no error message displayed, so you switch the
console off and then back on again, but before long those red lights are
back, mocking you once more.

The console freezes simply because during play it generates a lot of heat.
Eventually it overheats - this excess heat causes the motherboard to bend
and warp which in turn makes the soldering around the connections on it to
snap off. This makes the console freeze up and while you can turn it off
and on again to get playing once more, you will have this problem more and
more until one day you turn the console on and find that you have a red
light error - either one, two or three red lights.

At this point you will have to get the console fixed and you have a couple
of different options here. Microsoft says that you must send the console
back to them and that they will fix it for you, but this will take weeks
and you might not want to be without it for that long.

Alternatively, you can fix it yourself. All you need is a repair guide for
an Xbox 360 that will walk you through the process of fixing your console
with various items you can find around your house so that it never
overheats again. This will normally mean covering up the processors with
some insulation so that they are protected from the heat and don't shut
down. Any good repair guide should come with a full guarantee and videos
that walk you through every step of the process. Try out the customer
service before you buy so that you can be sure that this is the right
repair guide for you.

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